The best kept vacation secret is Brazil. Whether you enjoy nature, the beach, fishing or scuba diving, Brazil is breathtaking. From the wonders of the Amazon basin, to the beaches of the Northeast, the majesty of Itaipú, the roar of Iguaçu at "Garagantua del Diablo", to the underground lakes of the interior, the Panatal or the dry weather of the Cerrado, Ipanema; the variety is awesome. Most important are the people - they are as diverse as the land. Then there is the food, drinks and the music: Feijoada, Churrasco, Vatapá, Moqueca, a nice cafézinho after lunch, a refreshing Caipirinha. And there is Futebol! Carnival in Rio! What are you waiting for? Views of BrazilBrasília, DF, Tip: If using Internet Explorer, press F11 or go to "View" and select "Full Screen" if the picture is too large to be viewed in your browser or with the resolution of your monitor. Riveira São Lorenço, São Paulo
Fortaleza, Ceará
Maceio, Alagoas